Los melocotones son el ingrediente principal en el

Los melocotones son el ingrediente principal en el gazpacho

prude la receta de gazpacho de melocotón Click To Tweet

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Una de las técnicas más fáciles de hacer con la fruta en una parrilla de gas o carbón es ahumando melocotones. Aprovecha esta fruta aportando diferentes sabores y texturas para una gran receta. Esta receta refrescante es perfecta para un día caliente.


Smoky peaches wood fired is a great way to enhance this fruit. Add as an ingredient in soup for a special flavor touch especially on a hot summer day.

Smoky peaches wood fired is a great way to enhance this fruit. Add as an ingredient in soup for a special flavor touch especially on a hot summer day.

Peaches on the Grill Anyone! Click To Tweet

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One of the easiest techniques to do with fruit on a gas or charcoal grill is wood firing peaches. Take advantage of the season with this fruit by bringing different flavors and textures for great recipe. Why not start with my recipe for a summer gazpacho that will cool you off during the hot season. It’s time to take advantage of the summer harvest with fresh peaches and yellow tomatoes for fabulous summer cuisine
