Smokinlicious manufacturer of the best wood for smoking ribs

Our story
Best Cooking & Smoking Wood- About Our “All Natural” Cooking Wood
In this world of choice, many people have adopted the lifestyle of purchasing foods and products that are “all natural.” SmokinLicious®, recognized globally for producing the best 100% bark-free cooking & smoking wood, adheres to the philosophy of “all natural.” We provide the consumer with quality wood products- cooking woods, that have never been exposed to chemical/pesticide spraying.
We harvest hardwoods from the trees of Western New York and Northern Pennsylvania that are in their natural state – forest woods, left to mature on their own, without exposure to chemical contaminants and/or growth enhancers. Mature, well-formed trees provide a full flavor release during cooking. From these trees, we select only the heartwood – the filet of the tree – to manufacture our wood-fired cooking woods.
Since the very beginning of SmokinLicious® we have consistently earned Kosher certification- a high mark designation which validates the cleanliness of our production processes to give you exceptional cooking and smoking wood. Have you ever heard of any other cooking wood company receiving such a honor?
Learn more about the natural wood we use and our full inventory of customized cooking wood products- all designed and manufactured to compliment smoker applications and give the customer, the very best product for outstanding smoked food flavoring. Visit our Products Page for a complete listing of the superb Smokinlicious® products available for your grilling, smoking and ember cooking needs.
It all boils down to this- For all your wood cooking and food smoking ventures, the SmokinLicious® standard of quality gives you wood products that are pristine, packaged for ease of use and valued worldwide for delivering consistent natural hardwood smoke flavor to any food type grilled or smoked.
Bon Bar-B-Q from Smokinlicious®

Dr. Smoke-“Try our cooking wood for best wood for smoking ribs!