There is no question that preparing foods to feed a crowd of holiday visitors can be stressful! But if your challenged by the lack of space in the kitchen, then I have a solution for making holiday grilled appetizers.

A grill is a cooking vessel, just like your oven. Unfortunately, this equipment tends to be forgotten after summer. Well, clean it off in Fall and Winter and gain valuable cooking space to end a stressful holiday season. Time to make holiday grilled appetizers.

Holiday Appetizers: Pick #1

Artichoke Stuffed Mushroom Caps


This is a super easy holiday appetizer that takes no time at all. Start by first heating a gas grill to 350 degrees F. A charcoal grill can be used as well but set up the coals on only one side targeting the same temperature as the gas grill. Now start the food prep.

Wash 30 medium to large mushrooms, patting them dry, and then removing the stems. Reserve the stems to be used in the filling mix. For the filling gather the following:


For the Filling:

  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 14 ounce can of artichoke hearts, drained, rinsed, pat dry and chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 small shallot, minced
  • kosher salt and fresh ground pepper to taste
  • ½ cup dry white wine
  • 1 cup grated parmesan
  • ¾ cup panko breadcrumbs
  • 3 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped thyme
  • 1 egg white
  • Reserved mushroom stems


    Start by chopping the mushroom stems, dice the shallots, and mince the garlic cloves. In goes the butter to a hot skillet, then all three prepared ingredients are added. Once cooked down, the white wine is added to the mixture. Continue cooking until the wine has evaporated.

    The aromatics are now ready for the rest of the filling ingredients. Add the chopped artichoke hearts, parmesan, bread crumbs, parsley, thyme, and egg white. Mix everything together until it binds well. Time to fill the cleaned mushroom caps. Using a teaspoon, fill each mushroom cap heaping the filling on top. There is enough filling to do 40-50 caps depending on the size of the mushrooms selected. Tip: extra cooked filling can also be serve on crackers or bread slices. Place the filled mushroom caps in a baking dish or on a sheet tray. Place the prepared dish on the grill grate, closing the lid and allow to cook for 20-30 minutes (check after 20 minutes – these should have a golden top when finished). Serve hot.

    What a flavorful nibble to serve guests visiting at the holidays. Best part, you can have the filling prepared ahead of time, even freeze, for those spontaneous visits. All the more reason to keep these ingredients handy all year round!

Our Ember roasted peppers make an awesome Charred Pepper Dip

Our Ember roasted peppers make an awesome Charred Pepper Dip



A great smoked appetizers for your charred peppers recipes; our ember bed cooking of peppers provides great flavor. How to roast peppers in a grill, cooking on coals directly, cooking in embers, gas grill, charcoal grill, even cast iron skillet cooking will work for peppers. Try this charred pepper dip topping.

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Peppers are one of those thick-skinned vegetables that release their ultimate flavor when they are introduced to hot coals. Many people think that you need special equipment to cook foods in hot coals but really, it’s as easy as having a disposable pan available and a grill. I’ll give you some options for roasting the peppers and then provide a great recipe to be used as a dip or topping that is quick and so easy.


Passing it on great you tube channel

follow this wonderful you tube channel sharing heritage recipes


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One of the best perks of working with food is the reach you can have with others. It may be:

  • sparking someone’s interest in trying a recipe
  • providing a solution to a problem they are encountering at the grill
  • or just giving them the initial spark to get going in the kitchen or at the grill.

When SmokinLicious® was approach by Clinton of Durban, South Africa to make a contribution to his channel, we were all game!

A Unique Channel About Family Tradition

Passing It On is a unique channel. At its core is the commitment to passing on family recipes that might otherwise be lost. SmokinLicious® may not always incorporate a family recipe in our episodes. But, we are focusing on the earliest method of cooking. Cooking by wood fire! Passed on from our caveman ancestors.

You’ll be introduced to recipes that have some connection to our blended American families. Since America is made of diverse heritage from all over the globe, the food will be just as diverse.

You get great recipes and different ways to prepare them, including on the outdoor grill or on the stove top using a home made smoker pot. Start using natural hardwood as an ingredient.

Subscribe To The Passing It On

We are so excited to work with the great team at Passing It On! We are ready to pass on our food and drink recipes with that special wood-fired flavour twist. Enjoy!

You can find our episodes posted weekly at:


Dr Smoke invites you to follow this wonderful you tube channel where they share heritage recipes.

Dr Smoke invites you to follow this wonderful you tube channel where they share heritage recipes.

mermelada de tocino ahumado

mermelada de tocino ahumado

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Mermelada de Tocina Ahumado- Haciendo el tocino

Comience con 1-1/2 libras de tocino ahumado, preferiblemente su propio tocino ahumado, y córtelo transversalmente en trozos de 1 pulgada. Coloque las piezas de tocino ahumado cortados en una sartén grande, colocada a fuego medio-alto. Cocine, revolviendo ocasionalmente, hasta que la grasa derrite y el tocino esté ligeramente dorado (casi 20 minutos). Con una espumadera, transfiera el tocino cocido a toallas de papel para vaciar. Vierta todas las cucharadas de grasa de la sartén excepto 1 cucharada y agregue 2 cebollas amarillas medianas que hayan sido cortado en cubos pequeños y 3 dientes de ajo que hayan sido peladas y destrozadas. Cocine la cebolla y el ajo hasta que estén translúcidos, por unos 6 minutos. Agregue 1/2 taza de vinagre de manzana, 1/2 taza de azúcar moreno repleto, 1/4 de taza de jarabe de arce puro y 3/4 de taza de café preparado. Lleve a punto de ebullición, revolviendo y raspando los lados de la sartén. Agregue el tocino ahumado y revuelva para combinar.

Mermelada de Tocina Ahumado- Cocinando para perfección

Aquí está el paso que asegura una consistencia similar a un atasco. Es hora de transferir la mezcla a una olla de cocción lenta de 6 cuartos y cocinar en alto, sin tapa, hasta que el líquido se vuelva jarabe. Esto tomará alrededor de 3-1/2 a 4 horas. Si no tiene una olla de cocción lenta, puede cocinarla en el horno hasta que se alcance la consistencia con una temperatura de 300 oF. Una vez lista, transfiera la mezcla a un procesador de alimentos y pulse hasta que se pique en picado grueso. Dejar enfriar, luego refrigerar en recipientes herméticos durante un máximo de 4 semanas.

No se olvide, además de hacer un gran aperitivo para los huéspedes, este es un súper anfitrión o regalo de vacaciones. ¡Simplemente agregue su pan favorito, baguette, incluso panqueques, y disfrute!

¿Cuál es su receta favorita con tocino ahumado casero? Déjanos un comentario para opinar y suscríbelo para obtener todas nuestras publicaciones sobre consejos, técnicas y recetas. Aportando innovación a la cocina a fuego de madera con recetas, técnicas y la ciencia detrás del fuego, el humo y el sabor. Eso es SmokinLicious®.

SmokinLicious® Productos utilizados para esta receta:

Fragmentos de madera- doble o filete único

Our hand split double filet smoker wood chunks

Más recetas que puede disfrutar:

Recetas similares a la mermelada de tocino ahumado

Si te gusta esta receta de mermelada de tocino ahumado, prueba estas

Costillas cortas ahumados de carne de res con adobo de soya

Crostini con espárrago ahumado

Jamón ahumado en la parrilla de gas

Mermelada de tocino ahumado es la manera perfecta para usar el tocino sobrante.

Espárragos ahumados envuelto en hojaldre

Espárragos envueltos en hojaldre

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Espárragos envueltos en hojaldre

Una de las verduras de primavera favoritas, los espárragos son conocidos por su fibra y su calidad diurética ya que es el 93% agua. Aunque sin duda es una verdura estrella para asar a la parrilla, lo estoy tomando al lado saludable y preparando unos espárragos envueltos.

Este es un toque muy sabroso de zanahoria y hojaldre que es perfecto para una salsa. Los espárragos frescos son excelentes cuando lo ponemos en la parrilla de gas con trozos de madera para un sabor adicional. ¡Consigue su manojo de espárragos frescos y aprende esta versión más saludable de los espárragos envueltos asado a la parrilla!

Preparación de verduras para espárragos envueltos

Los verduras principales son espárragos frescos y zanahoria

Los verduras principales son espárragos frescos y zanahoria


Los melocotones son el ingrediente principal en el

Los melocotones son el ingrediente principal en el gazpacho

prude la receta de gazpacho de melocotón Click To Tweet

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Una de las técnicas más fáciles de hacer con la fruta en una parrilla de gas o carbón es ahumando melocotones. Aprovecha esta fruta aportando diferentes sabores y texturas para una gran receta. Esta receta refrescante es perfecta para un día caliente.


Our Smoked Bacon Jam recipe a tasty spread for any meal!

Our Smoked Bacon Jam recipe a tasty spread for any meal!

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I love introducing you to options with a common food item that you may have never thought of. Bacon, especially the smoked variety, is something that can be easily incorporated into so many recipes as either the star ingredient or a featured player. Be sure to check out my technique for curing and smoking your own bacon which is easy and by far, more delicious than any store-bought bacon.

Most definitely, today’s recipe has bacon in the starring role- Smoked Bacon Jam! I consider this the perfect recipe for an easy appetizer and recommend you keep a jar or two around during the busy holiday period or for those spur-of-the-moment guest pop ins.

Smoked Bacon Jam- Rendering Smoked Bacon


Our finished Grilled Asparagus Wrapped with a healthy Choice

Our finished Grilled Asparagus Wrapped with a healthy Choice


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One of the favorite Spring vegetables that certainly don’t have a long fresh season around my area, asparagus is know for its fiber and its diuretic quality since it is 93% water. Although it certainly is a star vegetable to grill, I’m taking it to the healthy side and preparing a wrapped asparagus without all the fat, sodium, and calories of bacon or prosciutto wrapped.

This is a super flavorful twist of carrot and puff pastry that is perfect for a dipping sauce. Fresh asparagus comes to life when we wood-fire it on the gas grill with wood chunks for added flavor. When done, you’ll never miss the bacon as this is a meaty, satisfying take on the wrapped asparagus theme. Now, get your bunch of fresh asparagus and learn this healthier version of wrapped asparagus wood-fired!


Our leeks fire roasted over a bed of hot wood ember coals!

Our leeks fire roasted over a bed of hot wood ember coals!

Leeks fire roasted over wood embers! Click To Tweet

Leeks fire roasted- listen to our step by step approach!

Leeks fire roasted- listen to our step by step approach!

Considered one of the healthiest foods, leeks join onion and garlic as part of the allium vegetable family. This seasonal delight is commonly used as a soup but I have something else in mind. I’ll be putting these directly on the hot coals and charring them for tenderness and flavor. Then I’ll be layering them in a terrine that includes goat cheese and crème Fraiche. I’ll also provide a dip alternative using the same ingredients to give you two options for these great flavors. Get shopping and pick out about 5 lbs. of vibrant green leeks, and let’s make an appetizer.


Our Grilled Parsnips with added wood smoky flavor taste almost like French Fries!

Our Grilled Parsnips with added wood smoky flavor taste almost like French Fries!


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Your diet likely doesn’t consistent of many root vegetables and I can guarantee that if you have kids, they may not have tried more than a carrot for a root vegetable. I’m going to introduce you to parsnips which is one root vegetable that when grilled, takes on a flavor very similar to French fries.

That’s why I’m calling this recipe my Smoked Parsnip Fries with Spicy Honey Glaze. As easy to prepare as it’s cousin the carrot, parsnips take no time at all to prepare and smoke on the grill. Go to the market and get yourself about 2 pounds of this lesser used vegetable and let’s convert you from the potato to the parsnip!


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