mermelada de tocino ahumado

mermelada de tocino ahumado

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Mermelada de Tocina Ahumado- Haciendo el tocino

Comience con 1-1/2 libras de tocino ahumado, preferiblemente su propio tocino ahumado, y córtelo transversalmente en trozos de 1 pulgada. Coloque las piezas de tocino ahumado cortados en una sartén grande, colocada a fuego medio-alto. Cocine, revolviendo ocasionalmente, hasta que la grasa derrite y el tocino esté ligeramente dorado (casi 20 minutos). Con una espumadera, transfiera el tocino cocido a toallas de papel para vaciar. Vierta todas las cucharadas de grasa de la sartén excepto 1 cucharada y agregue 2 cebollas amarillas medianas que hayan sido cortado en cubos pequeños y 3 dientes de ajo que hayan sido peladas y destrozadas. Cocine la cebolla y el ajo hasta que estén translúcidos, por unos 6 minutos. Agregue 1/2 taza de vinagre de manzana, 1/2 taza de azúcar moreno repleto, 1/4 de taza de jarabe de arce puro y 3/4 de taza de café preparado. Lleve a punto de ebullición, revolviendo y raspando los lados de la sartén. Agregue el tocino ahumado y revuelva para combinar.

Mermelada de Tocina Ahumado- Cocinando para perfección

Aquí está el paso que asegura una consistencia similar a un atasco. Es hora de transferir la mezcla a una olla de cocción lenta de 6 cuartos y cocinar en alto, sin tapa, hasta que el líquido se vuelva jarabe. Esto tomará alrededor de 3-1/2 a 4 horas. Si no tiene una olla de cocción lenta, puede cocinarla en el horno hasta que se alcance la consistencia con una temperatura de 300 oF. Una vez lista, transfiera la mezcla a un procesador de alimentos y pulse hasta que se pique en picado grueso. Dejar enfriar, luego refrigerar en recipientes herméticos durante un máximo de 4 semanas.

No se olvide, además de hacer un gran aperitivo para los huéspedes, este es un súper anfitrión o regalo de vacaciones. ¡Simplemente agregue su pan favorito, baguette, incluso panqueques, y disfrute!

¿Cuál es su receta favorita con tocino ahumado casero? Déjanos un comentario para opinar y suscríbelo para obtener todas nuestras publicaciones sobre consejos, técnicas y recetas. Aportando innovación a la cocina a fuego de madera con recetas, técnicas y la ciencia detrás del fuego, el humo y el sabor. Eso es SmokinLicious®.

SmokinLicious® Productos utilizados para esta receta:

Fragmentos de madera- doble o filete único

Our hand split double filet smoker wood chunks

Más recetas que puede disfrutar:

Recetas similares a la mermelada de tocino ahumado

Si te gusta esta receta de mermelada de tocino ahumado, prueba estas

Costillas cortas ahumados de carne de res con adobo de soya

Crostini con espárrago ahumado

Jamón ahumado en la parrilla de gas

Mermelada de tocino ahumado es la manera perfecta para usar el tocino sobrante.

Using our Homemade Bacon, try this smoked bacon potato cheddar round for a yummy meal or snack!

Using our Homemade Bacon, try this smoked bacon potato cheddar round for a yummy meal or snack!

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Smoked Bacon Potato Cheddar

At SmokinLicious®, we understand how much people love bacon, especially the smoked version. That’s why we encourage you to make your own smoked bacon using a pork belly between 3-5 lbs. This amount will provide for more than a few great recipes as well as enjoyment by the slice. You can find our method of making smoked homemade bacon here.


Our Savory Corn Muffins on the cool down rack. Just waiting to be served!

Our Savory Corn Muffins on the cool down rack. Just waiting to be served!


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Ready for a savory take on the standard corn muffin recipe? I’m adding a smoked chive to bring these muffins to a whole new level.


The smoky deliciousness of breakfast potatoes!

The smoky deliciousness of breakfast potatoes!

If you’re a fan of breakfast potatoes than you’re going to love this take on the traditional flavors of this first meal favorite. Click To Tweet

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Breakfast Potatoes- Give a Slow, Smoky Start

As with most breakfast potato recipes, this one has just a handful ingredients to make it oh so memorable at the breakfast table. It starts with a key ingredient – smoked potato – which you can find the technique for in our previous posting. This is a recipe that can certainly accommodate your specific preferences so alter it as you please. For my rendition, you’ll need the following:


Our Breakfast Pizza Pretzel served with Eggs!

Our Breakfast Pizza Pretzel served with Eggs!

Our Breakfast Pizza Pretzel is easy to make! Click To Tweet

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The photo of our golden brown smoked cheese & bacon quiche was prepared with our homemade smoked cheese and baked at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.

Smoked cheese & bacon quiche was prepared with our cold smoked cheese. This golden brown beauty looks appetizing.


We’re putting a new flavorful twist to traditional quiche by adding a cold smoked cheese combination that’s perfect with this egg and cream based recipe. Be sure to see our previous series on cold smoking cheese on the stove top, then bring your favorite cheeses to this easy, basic recipe. We’re making smoked cheese & bacon quiche!

Our arrangement of 5 different textured cheeses put through our stove top cold smoking process. This method imparts great color and smoky flavor

Smoked Cheese & Bacon Quiche- Simple Ingredients Are Best

Quiche is one of those recipes that doesn’t have a lot of rules. The base is eggs, cream and pie shell or pastry. The fillings are yours to experiment with. For our Smoked Cheese and Bacon Quiche, you’ll need the following ingredients:

Sweating the Onions

We start off our recipe by first cooking the onion. Taking 1 yellow onion, peel the skin and dice this. Add 1 tablespoon of butter to a hot skillet. When melted, add the diced onion. Let this sweat for about 3 minutes until translucent, then stir. Cook until the onion browns and crisps slightly. This should take less than 6 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside while you begin to prepare the wet ingredients.

In the glass mixing bowl we have all of the ingredients for the basic recipe measured and ready to blend into a wonderful, creamy, smooth batter.

Basic Quiche Batter

After cooking the onion, it’s time to assemble the other ingredients to our quiche. Start with 6 large eggs in a large bowl. Add the ¾ cup of heavy cream and whisk until combined. Add the cooked onion, followed by the bacon that has been precooked and chopped. If you’re short on time, feel free to use precooked bacon strips commonly available in most grocery stores. Whisk all these ingredients together until well combined.

The final ingredients are your favorite smoked cheeses. In my version, I’m using Swiss, muenster, and fresh mozzarella, which have been previously cold smoked for about 4 hours. My technique was a stove top smoking application using a cast iron pan. You can visit our previous series on this technique. Once all the ingredients are combined, it’s time to pour the batter into the prepared pie shell. This recipe will make one 9-inch quiche. Now place in to a preheated 350°F oven for 40-45 minutes.

Smoked Cheese & Bacon Quiche- Golden, Creamy, Smoked Goodness

After cooking in a 350°F oven for about 45 minutes, a golden crust will form on the top. Allow the smoked cheese & bacon quiche to cool slightly before cutting it into serving slices. Loaded with the saltiness of the bacon, the creaminess of the smoked cheese, and the sweetness of the cooked onion, this is a great dish for brunch or dinner, or even served as an hors d’oeuvre. If you want to add more smoke flavor, feel free to ember cook the onions or smoke the bacon. Smoked Cheese & Bacon Quiche – soon to become your favorite quiche recipe!

Did we inspire you to make your own quiche? We need your comment and rating, so subscribe and follow us so you don’t miss a thing. Suggestions are always welcome as well on recipes and techniques you want to learn about. We are your source for all things wood-fired, providing tips, techniques, recipes, and the science behind the fire.

Purchase products:

Wood Chips- Minuto®

Additional reading:




Dr Smoke

Dr Smoke- “Enjoy this tasty quiche recipe featuring a cold smoked trio of cheeses.”