Our Roasted onions in fireplace ashes!

Our Roasted onions in fireplace ashes!The one vegetable we can pretty much get all year long is … the onion! So, why not give this common vegetable a special, no, fabulous flavor infusion. The way to this end? Ember cooking in an outside fireplace or cooking pit.


All the supplies you need to add a smokey flavor to this wonderful fruit- strawberries for Smoked Strawberries

All the supplies you need to add a smokey flavor to this wonderful fruit- strawberries for Smoked Strawberries

Smoked Strawberries with a Hand Held Smoker Click To Tweet

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Fresh strawberries are pretty much available all year, so why not do something different with this fruit favorite and try your hand at smoking them! One of the easiest methods for controlling the smoke level to a fruit is to use a hand held food smoker.


By our stove top smoked chives techniques we will be adding a pinch of smokey flavor to these wonderful bright green chives

By our stove top smoked chives techniques we will be adding a pinch of smokey flavor to these wonderful bright green chives


Fresh chives are in season so why not do something different with this wonderful herb and try your hand a smoking them! One of the easiest methods for controlling the heat and smoke level to a delicate item like herbs is to use a stove top smoker or stove top smoker set up with a cast iron pan. The point of smoking the chives is to add a depth of flavor to any recipe.

