Our Finished Smoked Meatballs Greek Style done on a Kettle Grill!

Our Finished Smoked Meatballs Greek Style done on a Kettle Grill!


Try Smoked Meatballs Greek Style on the Kettle Grill! Click To Tweet

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Although I love Italian-style meatballs with traditional red sauce as a sandwich, I’m going to change up the flavors by making a Greek version. Then I’ll smoke my meatballs on the charcoal grill using charwood, which is a partially charred hardwood from SmokinLicious® that still retains a core of uncarbonized material to release wood flavorings.


Our finished Grilled Asparagus Wrapped with a healthy Choice

Our finished Grilled Asparagus Wrapped with a healthy Choice


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One of the favorite Spring vegetables that certainly don’t have a long fresh season around my area, asparagus is know for its fiber and its diuretic quality since it is 93% water. Although it certainly is a star vegetable to grill, I’m taking it to the healthy side and preparing a wrapped asparagus without all the fat, sodium, and calories of bacon or prosciutto wrapped.

This is a super flavorful twist of carrot and puff pastry that is perfect for a dipping sauce. Fresh asparagus comes to life when we wood-fire it on the gas grill with wood chunks for added flavor. When done, you’ll never miss the bacon as this is a meaty, satisfying take on the wrapped asparagus theme. Now, get your bunch of fresh asparagus and learn this healthier version of wrapped asparagus wood-fired!


Our leeks fire roasted over a bed of hot wood ember coals!

Our leeks fire roasted over a bed of hot wood ember coals!

Leeks fire roasted over wood embers! Click To Tweet

Leeks fire roasted- listen to our step by step approach!

Leeks fire roasted- listen to our step by step approach!

Considered one of the healthiest foods, leeks join onion and garlic as part of the allium vegetable family. This seasonal delight is commonly used as a soup but I have something else in mind. I’ll be putting these directly on the hot coals and charring them for tenderness and flavor. Then I’ll be layering them in a terrine that includes goat cheese and crème Fraiche. I’ll also provide a dip alternative using the same ingredients to give you two options for these great flavors. Get shopping and pick out about 5 lbs. of vibrant green leeks, and let’s make an appetizer.


Our Grilled Parsnips with added wood smoky flavor taste almost like French Fries!

Our Grilled Parsnips with added wood smoky flavor taste almost like French Fries!


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Your diet likely doesn’t consistent of many root vegetables and I can guarantee that if you have kids, they may not have tried more than a carrot for a root vegetable. I’m going to introduce you to parsnips which is one root vegetable that when grilled, takes on a flavor very similar to French fries.

That’s why I’m calling this recipe my Smoked Parsnip Fries with Spicy Honey Glaze. As easy to prepare as it’s cousin the carrot, parsnips take no time at all to prepare and smoke on the grill. Go to the market and get yourself about 2 pounds of this lesser used vegetable and let’s convert you from the potato to the parsnip!


Nuestro adorno para vieiras selladas calientes es perfección.

Nuestro adorno para vieiras selladas calientes es perfección.

La vieira es sólo uno de los muchos moluscos bivalvos con una concha similar a la almeja, el mejillón u ostra. Pueden encontrarse en aguas claras donde hay arena o grava fina. Hay variaciones en el tamaño dependiendo de cómo se utilizarán en una receta. Hoy en día, estamos ofreciendo una técnica sencilla de cocción y ahumado en la estufa que produce un sabor a madera excepcional y sellar a las vieiras. Esto está terminado con una vinagreta de naranja y lima.

Ingredientes fáciles para una técnica fácil

Es verdad que nos encanta usar la plancha en nuestra estufa con varios productos de madera. Usaré SmokinLicious® Smokin’ Dust® en aliso para llevar un sabor a madera a las vieiras mientras las sellan en la plancha. Lo que necesitará para la técnica de cocción:

  • Una plancha
  • Su elección de Smokin’ Dust® sabor – casi 3 cucharadas
  • 1-1/2 libras de vieira mediana a grande en tamaño
  • Aceite de alto calor
  • 3 cucharadas de mantequilla
  • Sal y pimienta

¡El sello caliente para las vieiras selladas calientes!


7 cuts of Lamb to know before you Grill!

8 cuts of Lamb to know before you Grill!

8 cuts of lamb to know before you grill! Click To Tweet


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Let’s begin discussing the 8 cuts of Lamb to know before you Grill!


smoking banana bites (combining smoked bananas with chocolate and crushed nuts)

Smoking banana bites (combining smoked bananas with chocolate and crushed nuts)

Combining smoked bananas with chocolate and crushed nuts for Smoking banana bites Click To Tweet

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If you joined us for our series on a smoking banana , now it’s time to learn just what you can do with this flavorful fruit. This recipe for Smoked Banana Double Bites makes for a perfect snack, kid loving dessert, or even a sweet party item. Gather together the following:


Nuestro acabado y corte pierna de cordero

Pierna de cordero

Pierna de cordero asado

El cordero es una de esas proteínas que es asociarse con días festivos y ocasiones especiales. Aquí es una manera fácil de agregar sabor a madera a los cortes de cordero en la parrilla de carbón. Es una técnica que se puede hacer fácilmente en la parrilla de gas también. Simplemente elija su equipo y siga la técnica que traerá abundante sabor y jugosidad a su pierna de cordero.


Our Finished grilled hot cross buns!

Our Finished grilled hot cross buns!

Hot cross buns cooked on the Grill! Click To Tweet

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I know – hot cross buns are traditionally enjoyed during lent and holy Easter weekend. The basic recipe dates to the 12th century and is known as a sweet dough ball. Did you know that pretty much any recipe can be made on a grill or smoker, including hot cross buns?


Nuestro romero infusionado pierna de res ahumada- como rico después asándola.

Nuestro romero infusionado pierna de res ahumada- como rico después asándola.

Romero infusionado pierna de res ahumada

Estoy aquí con otra receta para las piernas de res que aprovecha las hierbas de temporada con una técnica de ahumar simple que se puede hacer en su parrilla de gas o carbón. Voy a cocinar mis piernas de res en la parrilla de gas usando mi método de cocción favorito de dos zonas. Por supuesto, quiero un poco de sabor de madera en estas piernas así que voy a usar trozos de madera de cerezo en una caja de metal para ahumado.

Condimento simple para romero infusionado pierna de res ahumada

Romero colocado en piernas de res para el sabor

El romero se considera uno de los maridajes de sabor ideal para la carne de res. Similar a la salvia, contiene más notas de pino y florales y es más dulce que otras hierbas. Encontrará muchas variedades que tienen alguna variación en el sabor tradicional del romero. Estos son algunos de los sabores característicos: limón-pino, clavo y nuez moscada.

La carne de res es predominantemente un sabor salado con algo de dulzura. Si el animal es alimentado con hierba que el sabor de la carne será mucho más lleno.



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