¡La sopa de Boniato ahumado y chipotle sopa es maravillosa en el día frío!

¡La sopa de Boniato ahumado y chipotle sopa es maravillosa en el día frío!

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Pruebe Boniato Ahumado Y Chipotle Sopa Click To Tweet

Nuestra receta trae todo sabor de otoño con un toque único. Boniato ahumado y chipotle sopa es una comida casera perfecta. Para esta receta, necesitará alrededor de 5 boniatos medianos que han sido ahumadas y ablandado.

Lleva sus boniatos ahumados a la cocina mientras comenzamos la elaboración de una gran sopa que encantará en cualquier momento del año.

Boniato Ahumado Y Chipotle Sopa- Tiempo de preparación

Recién salidos del ahumador, nuestros boniatos están listos para la sopa de boniato ahumado y chipotle


Cuando ahúma boniatos con la piel, encontrará versatilidad para sus recetas. Para nuestra sopa, simplemente despega la piel y corta cada papa por la mitad a lo largo, luego corta en cubos. Necesitará alrededor de 2 libras de boniato ahumado en cubos que será de 4-5 boniatos ahumados enteros, dependiendo del tamaño.

Cocinar las cebollas y las especias para la sopa de boniato ahumado y chipotle.

#cebolla #cacerola

Pica una cebolla blanca mediana y precalienta una cucharada de aceite en una cacerola mediana. Agregue la cebolla picada, un poco de sal y pimienta molida fresca y deje cocinar hasta que se dore alrededor de los bordes.

Cuando las cebollas han comenzado a dorarse, comienza añadiendo 2 cucharaditas de comino molido y 2 dientes de ajo que han sido picados a la mezcla de cebolla. Revuelva para combinar. Ahora agregue 7 tazas de caldo de pollo con bajo contenido de sodio y 1 chile chipotle picado en salsa de adobo. Deja que estos sabores cocinen durante 15 minutos.

Mezcla hasta un acabado sedoso

Cuando hace una sopa suave, comienza con un ingrediente principal ablandado y luego le agregue una base líquida por etapas. Eso significa que comienza a agregar sus cubitos de boniatos ahumados en el recipiente de la licuadora hasta que llena a la mitad. Empieza a mezclar las patatas. Agregue un cucharón lleno de la mezcla de caldo y comience a procesar. Si usted tiene una licuadora equipada con una tapa que tiene una abertura de vertido, simplemente puede servir con cucharón la líquida adicional para llegar a la consistencia deseada de la sopa. Prefiero que mío es sobre la consistencia en un licuado, pero puede alterar el grosor simplemente agregando caldo de pollo. Haga el proceso de puré en lotes, devolviendo cada lote a una olla de sopa para un calentamiento final. He hecho mi proceso de puré en tres lotes.

Nuestros boniatos ahumados en la licuadora listas para ser licuadas en la sopa


Después de puré terminado es recalentado, ¡está listo! La dulzura de las patatas y lo picante de chile combinan tan bien para producir una textura y sabor equilibrado. Una vez puesto en un tazón de servir, agregue un toque de crema agria.

Agregue crema fresca a la sopa



Esta es una sopa que se puede disfrutar fría y caliente, es que delicioso de cualquier manera. Sopa de boniato ahumado y chipotle. ¡Sin duda un favorito para hacer durante el otoño, pero puede disfrutarlo durante todo el año!

¿Cuál es su receta favorita con boniatos? Déjanos un comentario y suscríbelo para obtener más recetas, técnicas, consejos y la ciencia detrás del sabor, eso es SmokinLicious®.

¿Le encantó esta receta? ¡Entonces, por favor, compártelo!

doble filete


Fragmentos de madera – doble filete

Chunk hombre: Para más lecturas relacionadas con la sopa de boniato ahumado y chipotle.

Chunk hombre: Para más lecturas relacionadas con la sopa de boniato ahumado y chipotle.

Otras recetas que puede disfrutar:

Guacamole asado

Crostini con espárrago ahumado

Romero infusionado pierna de res ahumada

Al Dr. Smoke le encanta esta sopa boniato ahumado y Chipotle para una receta deliciosa

Al Dr. Smoke le encanta esta sopa boniato ahumado y Chipotle para una receta deliciosa

Using our Homemade Bacon, try this smoked bacon potato cheddar round for a yummy meal or snack!

Using our Homemade Bacon, try this smoked bacon potato cheddar round for a yummy meal or snack!

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Smoked Bacon Potato Cheddar

At SmokinLicious®, we understand how much people love bacon, especially the smoked version. That’s why we encourage you to make your own smoked bacon using a pork belly between 3-5 lbs. This amount will provide for more than a few great recipes as well as enjoyment by the slice. You can find our method of making smoked homemade bacon here.


Our Snow Pea Cucumber Salad kissed by smoke adds a delicious flavor to this spring salad.

Our Snow Pea Cucumber Salad kissed by smoke adds a delicious flavor to this spring salad.


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With four select ingredients readily available throughout the year, you can make this flavorful and healthy salad anytime of the year. Perfect on its own for lunch or as a side dish to beef, pork, poultry, and fish, you’ll find your own variations to keep it unique.


We are roasting garlic in an iron skillet over hot embers

We are roasting garlic in an iron skillet over hot embers

Roasting Garlic In An Iron Skillet- Quick and Easy Click To Tweet

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One of my favorite herbs is garlic due to all the applications garlic has in cooking. One technique that you may not have tried is ember firing the garlic using a wood for flavor and a cast iron skillet for smoke control.


Our finished Grilled Asparagus Wrapped with a healthy Choice

Our finished Grilled Asparagus Wrapped with a healthy Choice


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One of the favorite Spring vegetables that certainly don’t have a long fresh season around my area, asparagus is know for its fiber and its diuretic quality since it is 93% water. Although it certainly is a star vegetable to grill, I’m taking it to the healthy side and preparing a wrapped asparagus without all the fat, sodium, and calories of bacon or prosciutto wrapped.

This is a super flavorful twist of carrot and puff pastry that is perfect for a dipping sauce. Fresh asparagus comes to life when we wood-fire it on the gas grill with wood chunks for added flavor. When done, you’ll never miss the bacon as this is a meaty, satisfying take on the wrapped asparagus theme. Now, get your bunch of fresh asparagus and learn this healthier version of wrapped asparagus wood-fired!


Our leeks fire roasted over a bed of hot wood ember coals!

Our leeks fire roasted over a bed of hot wood ember coals!

Leeks fire roasted over wood embers! Click To Tweet

Leeks fire roasted- listen to our step by step approach!

Leeks fire roasted- listen to our step by step approach!

Considered one of the healthiest foods, leeks join onion and garlic as part of the allium vegetable family. This seasonal delight is commonly used as a soup but I have something else in mind. I’ll be putting these directly on the hot coals and charring them for tenderness and flavor. Then I’ll be layering them in a terrine that includes goat cheese and crème Fraiche. I’ll also provide a dip alternative using the same ingredients to give you two options for these great flavors. Get shopping and pick out about 5 lbs. of vibrant green leeks, and let’s make an appetizer.


Our Grilled Parsnips with added wood smoky flavor taste almost like French Fries!

Our Grilled Parsnips with added wood smoky flavor taste almost like French Fries!


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Your diet likely doesn’t consistent of many root vegetables and I can guarantee that if you have kids, they may not have tried more than a carrot for a root vegetable. I’m going to introduce you to parsnips which is one root vegetable that when grilled, takes on a flavor very similar to French fries.

That’s why I’m calling this recipe my Smoked Parsnip Fries with Spicy Honey Glaze. As easy to prepare as it’s cousin the carrot, parsnips take no time at all to prepare and smoke on the grill. Go to the market and get yourself about 2 pounds of this lesser used vegetable and let’s convert you from the potato to the parsnip!


This simple to prepare dish with our Woodsy flavored Broccoli Pesto sauce

This simple to prepare dish with our Woodsy flavored Broccoli Pesto sauce

Woodsy Broccoli Pesto from the Grill! Click To Tweet

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I purchased several heads of broccoli recently and decided to smoke them using one of my favorite short cut methods for smoke vapor infusion. My Nordic Ware Kettle Stove Top Smoker allows me to get the flavor level I like in about 20 minutes using only my stove for fuel.


We smoked the Sweet potatoes first for our Smokey Sweet Potato and Chipotle Soup recipe

Smokey Sweet Potato and Chipotle Soup is wonderful on cold day!

Try this Smokey Sweet Potato and Chipotle Soup Click To Tweet

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Let’s make Smokey Sweet Potato and Chipotle soup with our Smoked Sweet Potatoes!

You did it! You stepped outside the norm and you smoked sweet potatoes. Congratulations! You now have a flavor level to a root vegetable that can only be achieved from wood smoke infusion. Now, what do you make with this flavorful root vegetable?


Marrying smoked Broccoli with flavors from India finished dish

Marrying smoked Broccoli with flavors from India finished dish

Smoked Broccoli with Flavors from India Click To Tweet

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So far, we’ve shown you how to cook and flavor broccoli on the gas grill using wood chunks and a direct method of cooking. That is a very fast means of cooking and charring broccoli quickly and is convenient for most of us who own a gas grill.


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