A must try is this smoked Beet Hummus!

A must try is this smoked Beet Hummus!

Beet Hummus with a smokey flavor is a hit! Click To Tweet

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I’ve got another great recipe for wood fired beets that will provide a quick way to prepare a fabulous beet hummus for guests, bring-a-dish parties, or just as a great snack for your own family. Wood fired flavor will come from the gas grill equipped with wood chunks using a two-zone cooking method. The outcome is a full flavor, beautiful beet hummus color to delight all who have the pleasure of partaking in this treat. Just one good size beet will do the trick but I always do an extra to keep around.

Join me at the grill as we make ricotta and smoked beet hummus.


Wood-fired Smoked Beets before and in the offsetting smoking position on the gas grill with single filet wood chunks!

Wood-fired Smoked Beets before and in the offsetting smoking position on the gas grill with single filet wood chunks!


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It likely is not the first pick from the root vegetable options but beets have a lot to offer. Not only do they offer health benefits that include potentially lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation, and improving liver function, they are a naturally sweet item that can be added to salads, side dishes, and appetizers.

I’m going to give you a great recipe for a filled egg that is so much more flavorful and healthy than the traditional deviled egg. Plus, I’m taking it up a notch by wood firing the beets first on the gas grill using wood chunks. So, get to the store or farmers market and select your favorite beets. Then fire up the grill for an easy way to up the flavor on beets.

Wood-Fired Smoked Beets- Get Them Clean
