¡Nuestro costillas cortas terminado con adobo de soya y hoisin!

¡Nuestro costillas cortas terminado con adobo de soya y hoisin!

Uno de mis cortes favoritos de carne de res para ahumar y hacer a la parrilla es la costilla flanco de carne de res. Estes son cortes de costillas cortas de carne de res conocido como flanken. En el estilo flanken de costillas cortas, este corte delgado que es de aproximadamente 1/2 pulgada de espesa, va a través de los huesos para que cada rebanada contiene unos trozos de hueso en lugar de entre los huesos como se hace en las costillas cortas tradicionales.


Crostini con espárrago ahumado delicioso

Crostini con espárrago ahumado delicioso

Crostini con espárrago ahumado

¡Es temporada de espárrago y eso significa que debes aprovechar al máximo este sensacional vegetal mientras está fresco! Asegúrese de visitar nuestra serie sobre el asado de espárrago fresco (ver el blog anterior) para que pueda pasar a nuestras fabulosas recetas. Nuestra receta publicó en esta serie es Crostini con espárrago asado, pimiento y aceituna para untar, una merienda perfecta, un aperitivo, y sin duda, una comida espontánea para el visitante de último momento. ¡Pues, vamos!

Con tus espárrago asado (ver otro blog o Instagram #smokinliciousasparagus) en mano, necesitarás estos ingredientes:

Lista de los ingredientes

  • Baguette u otro pan estrecho (en una pizca, los chips de pita también funcionarán)
  • Aceite para rociar sobre las rebanadas de pan
  • 8 onzas de queso ricotta
  • Espárrago ahumado
  • 2 cucharadas de jugo de lima
  • Rodajas de pimiento aproximadamente 2 onzas
  • Aceitunas verdes aproximadamente 4 onzas
  • Pimiento fresco molido

Mezclando los ingredientes- crostini con espárrago ahumado

Mezclando espárrago picado ahumado en ricotta

Mezclando espárrago picado ahumado en ricotta

Antes de mezclar los ingredientes al untar, corte rodajas de la baguette en 1,27 centímetros y colóquela en una bandeja del horno. Rocíe con aceite: cualquier tipo funcionará, aunque soy parcial a los aceites de sabores. Solo tuesta las rebanadas de pan hasta que estén doradas. En un tazón mediano, agregue la ricotta y mezcle suavemente para descomponer el queso hasta obtener un estado cremoso. Corte el espárrago ahumado ​​en dados y pliegue suavemente en la ricotta con el jugo de lima. Agregue pimiento molido fresco al gusto. Ponga a un lado el tazón y corte el pimiento y la aceituna verde. Coloque en un tazón pequeño.

Ensamblando el Crostini


Our Cast Iron pan on the gas grill with double filet wood chunks flavoring our smoked peaches into the upside down cake!

Our Cast Iron pan on the gas grill with double filet wood chunks flavoring our smoked peaches into the upside down cake!

Smoked peach upside down cake! Click To Tweet

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Hopefully, you enjoyed our previous segment on adding smoke flavor to seasonal peaches. We sure have had fun providing you with different techniques to add the natural flavor of wood. Now is the fun part where you take those smoked fruit pieces and turn them into something great.

I’m going to introduce you to a super flavorful and balanced peach cake done in the style of the traditional pineapple upside down cake – only with peaches! For this recipe you’ll need three peaches but don’t waste the perfect time to do some extras so you can make all our great smoked peach recipes.


Our Cooked Spatcock Chicken with Fresh Curry

Our Cooked Spatchcock Chicken with Fresh Curry

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Spatchcock Chicken– One of the questions I field the most is how do you keep chicken moist when you grill?


Our Savory Corn Muffins on the cool down rack. Just waiting to be served!

Our Savory Corn Muffins on the cool down rack. Just waiting to be served!


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Ready for a savory take on the standard corn muffin recipe? I’m adding a smoked chive to bring these muffins to a whole new level.


Smoke a Turkey with our easy to do tips will result in awesome color and flavor. Give it a try!

Smoke a Turkey with our easy to do tips will result in awesome color and flavor. Give it a try!


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There are so many ways to smoke a turkey with the main difference found in the amount of time for both preparation and cooking. One of the favorite methods is hot smoking whether done on a traditional smoker, charcoal grill, or gas grill.





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As the second most consumed fruit in the USA, apples are loaded with antioxidant benefits and have been found to have extensive benefit to the colon due to the high level of gut bacteria present in its polyphenols. Plus, this is a fruit that is readily available all year long making it an ideal choice for cooking.

We are taking the Gala variety and putting them over a coal fire for wood-fired flavor in our apple pie cake. Pick your favorite variety of apple and get out the charcoal grill for this fun and simple technique and recipe.


The bowl of finished ember cooked sweet peppers

everything you need to know about ember cooked sweet peppers on the outside fireplace or pit. Click To Tweet

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  • An Outside fireplace or pit that is clean of ashes
  • Cast iron skillet, if you prefer to cook in a container rather than directly on the embers
  • Sweet peppers- medium to large size, any color though multi colored ones provide for a better presentation, 10-18 quantity
  • SmokinLicious® Grande Sapore® wood chipsAsh wood or your favorite wood species
  • Herbs – optional
  • Drizzle of Extra Virgin olive oil


Our Roasted onions in fireplace ashes!

Our Roasted onions in fireplace ashes!The one vegetable we can pretty much get all year long is … the onion! So, why not give this common vegetable a special, no, fabulous flavor infusion. The way to this end? Ember cooking in an outside fireplace or cooking pit.


Our Finished Zucchini Rolls, Rolls that are easy to prepare, prepare your appetite for this great vegetable!

Our Finished Zucchini Rolls, Rolls that are easy to prepare, prepare your appetite for this great vegetable recipe!

Try these Zucchini Rolls wood fired for special flavor! Click To Tweet

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Zucchini Rolls– For those of us who love to grow zucchini you know just how heavy a harvest you can end up with. Then the question is: what to do with all those zucchinis? Let me offer up a suggestion. Zucchini ribbon rolls are a super easy way to make a quick appetizer or a great side dish. In fact, if you don’t need the fanciness of the ribbons, you can modify this recipe which I’ll cover in this posting. I’ll be taking the zucchini ribbons to the gas grill which I’ve equipped with wood chunks and provide a subtle smokiness to the zucchini before filling with a flavorful ricotta-basil-Parmesan mixture that easily could be smoked as well. Pick out some of your larger zucchini and get ready to make a super appetizer or side dish with your harvest.


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